Buy fresh fish at the fish auction place Banyutowo, Pati, Central Java

14 November 2011 0 comments
It is said that there was a place on the north coast of Java, where the difficulty of getting fresh water because the whole area of brackish water. There are only a sweet-water wells up and then the area where wells dubbed banyutowo (banyu: water, towo: tasteless). Banyutowo is a village in the district Dukuhseti, Pati, Central Java, Indonesia. Banyutowo is a coastal village which is a transit point for ships from other areas. Located about 36 kilometers north of the town of Pati, Central Java, including the District of Village Banyutowo Dukuhseti, known some men adventurers fantastic mulatto women as producers of Javanese, Portuguese, and Chinese. Majority of the villagers are subsistence fishermen, fish farmers, and traders ikan.Majority Protestant Christianity, and Islam. In this village there are two churches and a mosque. However, inter-religious tolerance can be maintained properly. Small industrial processing salted fish are also found there. Ponds there used to preserve fish or shrimp.
Fishery Port constructed in Banyutowo as berths and dock fishing vessels, berthing fishing boats can perform various activities eg for landing fish, loading supplies, rest. So that means or facilities the principal fishing ports such as unloading and loading docks. Banyutowo Fish Landing Base is equipped with a fish auction place (TPI) and the fish market to accommodate and distribute good catches taken by sea or road.
The auction is an activity of fish in the fish auction in order to reconcile between sellers and buyers resulting in the bargain price fish they agreed. Traditionally after fishermen catch fish get results, they then tried to sell itself to local consumers through barter or by a particular value for money. This activity is poorly organized and inefficient and unproductive, the quality of fish is not maintained so that fish prices tend to decline. Another development is the efforts that have changed the marketing of fish from fish sales system itself - itself a fish auction sales system and organized. This will be very profitable because the price is not determined by the buyers and the quality of fish can be maintained as well as the sale price obtained by fishermen to be larger. Seeing this fact, the auction eventually became the needs of fishermen.


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