Did you know, Becak (in english : rickshaw) was derived from the Japanese?

30 December 2011 0 comments
Did you know, Becak (in english : rickshaw) was derived from the Japanese? The appearance of three-wheeled vehicle drawn by human power was the first time just a coincidence. 1869, an American man who served in auxiliary U.S. Embassy in Japan a walk enjoying the scenery Yokohama City. One time, he was thinking about how his wife's leg disability can come take a walk? Certainly needed a vehicle. The vehicle, he thought, no horse-drawn because only for one passenger only. Then he started drawing a small carriage without a roof over a piece of paper. Japanese people who saw the man's personal vehicle pulled jinrikisha call. Towing jinrikisha usually paid every week. Over time, jinrikisha attract attention of Japanese society, especially the nobility. In the 1800s jinrikisha finally reached the ears of people in China. Until a short time, jinrikisha known as the nobility of private vehicles and public transport. This vehicle was named rickshaw. While penghelanya called Hiki. But, after a long time observer of humanity in China pity to see the Hiki that work like a horse. Starting in 1870 banned rickshaws operate around the streets of China. While inrikisha in Japan has long been banned previously. Inspired jinrikisha and rickshaws, all of a sudden around the year 1941 for the first time in major cities in Indonesia appeared rickshaw. In contrast to jinrikisha and a two-wheeled rickshaw with the tires off, rickshaws are more modern. Three wheels and tires, the wind, driving the paddle with two legs.
Rickshaw (from Hokkien: be - chia "chariot") is a three-wheeled transportation device that is commonly found in Indonesia and also in parts of Asia. Normal capacity is two people pedicab passengers and a driver. Go to Indonesia the first time at the beginning of the 20th century for Chinese traders to transport goods. In 1937, as written in the Star Weekly, rickshaw known as the "third wheel" and said betjak / betja / beetja recently used in 1940 when the pedicabs began to be used as a public vehicle. Initially the Dutch colonial government was pleased with this new transportation. But the government recently banned the presence of rickshaws by the numbers continue to grow, endangering the safety of passengers, and causing congestion. The number of rickshaws increases rapidly when the Japanese came to Indonesia in 1942. Japan is very strict controls on the use of gasoline as well as private motor vehicle ownership ban makes pedicab as the only best alternative modes of transportation in big cities like Jakarta and Surabaya. Rickshaw is also environmentally friendly means of transport because it does not cause air pollution. In addition, the pedicab not cause noise and can also be used as a tourist attraction for foreign tourists. Even so, the presence of rickshaws in the cities can disrupt traffic because its speed is slow compared to cars and motorcycles. In addition, some people think that pedicabs are not comfortable viewing, perhaps because of its less modern. The only city in Indonesia that formally prohibit the existence of rickshaws is Jakarta. Rickshaws banned in Jakarta in the late 1980s. The official reason, among others, at that time was that the pedicab is "exploitation of man by man". His successor was, motorcycles, bajaj and Kancil. Besides Indonesia, rickshaws are also still to be found in other countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Cuba. In Singapore, the rickshaw is now just a tourist transportation only. In Indonesia there are two types of rickshaws are commonly used: * Rickshaw with the driver behind, This type is usually exist in Java. * Rickshaw with the driver on the side, This species is usually found in Sumatra. To enhance the ability of rickshaws and encourage the use of non-motorized rickshaws in some developed countries that uses the acceleration gear / transmission as used in modern bicycles so they can pass more easily incline, made aerodynamic design and the driver was in front of the passenger space.


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