Typical cloth from Indonesia, batik is not only!

02 January 2012 0 comments
It did not want to happen again, when other nations recognize the work of the nation of Indonesia. Arts and cultural diversity which was engraved in the hearts, ever should not be disturbed. Angry, upset, let alone the emotions you feel if a typical Indonesian cultural treasures seized by other countries? Certainly the attitude does not accept them in order for the efforts on behalf of the owner of the various "brands" culture of Indonesia. But could this be because many Indonesian citizens who tend to not recognize the nation's cultural diversity itself?. A lot of our cultural treasures, ranging from customs, language, crafts, culinary and even typical of each region. The presence of Indonesia in the eyes of the world, with abundant cultural, fitting into extra spirit to get to know, love and continue to preserve it. The existence of cultural tourism activities of late even this increasingly prominent. By raising the culture of Indonesia to the surface, making cultural diversity is increasingly recognized by many people. But on the other hand, conservation is not only the task of tourism actors right?. As a citizen who claimed blood bertumpah one, homeland Indonesia, it has become our homework together. FORMS OF AWARDS Pride began to be reflected in these days with the popularity of batik in various styles, for both formal and activities in a relaxed state. In fact, many companies and organizations that implement the use of batik every Friday. Batik is now integrated in our daily rhythm all. It is not wrong, it is a tangible manifestation of our love of the fruit of creativity typical of Indonesia. But remember, the art of fabric batik in Indonesia is not just. Is not not know it was love? If we are more diligently to observe the existence of variants of fabric art in Indonesia, may not be enough in a day to learn it. Diversity of names, motifs, and color, making the country more beautiful archipelago. Let's look at some Indonesian fabric art that is not less unique than batik.
ULOS BATAK One of the Batak tribe of high creativity can be found from a variety of types and colors Ulos. Various patterns and detailed fabrics that became the symbol of the status of Batak Tribe is able to make anyone amazed. In the region of origin ulos always accompany their daily activities and is considered a sacred value, so it must be worn in traditional ceremonies, like weddings and funerals. The process in making a special fabric that is usually done by women. Accuracy and patience in weaving a key element in strand by strand weave yarn into creative pieces of high ground typical of Batak. It was not wrong if the fabric into pieces this one hand when you set foot in North Sumatra, particularly the villages around Lake Toba where many crafters ulos.
WEAVING SUMATRA Traveling the Riau, will not be enough if you do not know the typical cloth area. Formerly making Songket Riau using a tool called "kick" or “gedokan / godokan”, which is a tool made from simple wood measuring about 1 x 2 meters. However, over the times, the tool is rarely used because it relates to the length of cloth produced. Naturally, this only kik able to produce fabrics that are not too wide, and is used as a replacement was not Weaving Machine Tool (ATBM). Another with Tapestry fabrics originating from Lampung. This fabric is the fabric of women, who diercaya align both to nature and life to the Creator. Fabric using cotton yarn and thread of gold, in 1950 using a belt system as a method of manufacture. Imagine the complexity of manufacture of this cloth. Only people with creativity and patience extras that can make it.
WORKS OF LOMBOK Imagine if there were teenagers and mothers sat facing a simple loom. While skillfully weaving typical, they talked over while moving his hand pushing beruqaq penggon, a small bamboo to complete a piece of cloth. I just wanted to linger to enjoy the scenery, which can be found in the village of Sukadara, Lombok. Lombok weaving technique created by adding the weft. Jewelry made by inserting a silver thread, gold thread or yarn colors lungsi above, and sometimes decorated beads, shells or coins. Making cloth is said to be typical of the Pearl District "classic" because it uses traditional methods, to maintain customs, as well as a tourist attraction. Manufacture of woven fabrics is done the traditional way of preparing the yarn and dye. Yarn using weights shaped like a top of the wood, which is playing around with your fingers. While the ingredients to make a thread can use cotton, banana fiber, bark, pineapple fiber, palm leaves and many more. Creative is not it?
WEAVING GRINSING One more typical of Indonesia namely Woven fabrics Grinsing from Bali. Grinsing is another name for double ikat weaving. Making tends to be quite difficult. This Roughly, both base and weft yarns to form a colored image color combinations just in time for weaving. The term "ngekek" or techniques together two threads with a tool like chopsticks made from the wing bones of bats. First, Grinsing Weaving is often used to ward off evil spirits in religious ceremonies. But now, this beautiful fabric can be obtained as the fruit of the hand, in various art shop in Bali.
KEEP OUR TREASURE! Well proven that the range of fabrics in Indonesia is not just Batik. Actually there are many more types of fabric are scattered throughout the archipelago. If you wish, you can visit the centers of handicrafts in every tourist area you visited. From now on, do not hesitate to again show a sense of pride and love for the work of the nation not only by wearing batik, but also on the shoulder strap on a piece ulos, wearing songket Riau, and other fabrics of the archipelago. Take care of our treasure!.


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